Saturday, October 30, 2010


I did not enjoy Jobnik at all. Jobnick seemed like it was a story that was meaningless and had no reason to be to told. The book seemed no to have no more interesting content then my day to day life, and while I may not be in Israel I do not think that makes this story worth telling. It seemed kind of like a  a coming of age story, which I am not a fan of, where the Miriam Libicki ended the story just as confused with her identity at the end of the story as she was at the start. I am not sure if this is a totally legitimate complaint with the book, because it was stated in class that it is part of an unfinished series. In class we talked about some of the depth of the story, but I feel that we were just dredging for something that was hardly there to begin with, it still seemed like the majority of the book was just mundane. The book also had some sexual panels in it, but all of these in the book were so censored it just seemed like a bit of fooling around, and nothing much ever happened. This did seem like the best way to portray this, because it gains nothing from not portraying it. I also like the aesthetics of this book the least out of everything we have written so far. I liked how she drew herself on the cover of the book, but in the actual book it seemed like everybody was half a foot shorter and just mashed together.

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