Saturday, September 18, 2010

Well since the hours left to finish this blog post are starting to come to an end I guess it is about time to make my second blog post of the week and this day for that matter.

This time I would like to write about the title story of A Contract With God. What I found most interesting about this story was how when Hersh's "contract with god" was violated, that was what made him assimilate with American culture and lose some of his Jewish identity. Before his contract was violated he had been living in America for a very long time already, but he still pretty much held on to all the tradition from his old country and his religion. When his contract is violated by god he totally changes his appearance from the tradition Jewish garb and hair, to what a more traditional American would be wearing at the time. With this comes a whole new set a values, mainly money, but there was also room for a new woman in his life as well. I also found it interesting when Hersh was wanting to renew his contract with god, the values of  three Jewish rabbis wasn't any different then Hersh's really, all they really cared about was the money. They did hesitate because they were doing a blasphemy, but Hersh justified his actions in the same way, he said that he would buy back the bonds he used for collateral and everything would be fine.

Well that is about all I have to say for now, looking foreword to class next week.

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