Saturday, September 18, 2010

The wedding singer

Hello everybody, I am posting for the first time today, Saturday, the day both posts are due, and I hope not to make a habit of doing this, but I had a long night last night in which I was out in LaCrosse at 3am waiting for my battery to be jumped but enough about that.

I would like to write about the street singer story from A Contract with God, as this was the story that I found most interesting in our reading. Something I found interesting about this story and its inclusion in this book is it does not seem to have anything that makes it explicitly about Judaism.I can understand that it shares some themes with other stories in the book, but it still seems quite different from the rest of the stories.
The story starts out as what seems to be an average day for Eddie the street singer, which seems to be: waking up, going out singing, drinking, and then beating his wife. This day Eddie meets an ex opera singer name Diva Marta Maria, who wants to make Eddie or she like to call him Ronald Barry a star. Shortly after they meet Diva talks about how here career went down, mainly her husband, and I love the Irony with her description of her dead husband is basically the exact person Eddie turns out to be. With the money Diva gives Eddie to clean himself up he goes and buys alcohol, then he goes home gets drunk and beats his wife, which seems like it is probably a normal thing in their relationship. The next day Eddie goes out for a drink before he is going to see Diva, but then he realizes he never got her address and will not find her again.

I though this story was very interesting because the only thing it really has in common with the other stories is basically people screwing each other over. I also though it was interesting how in this story Eddie new really was trying to make it big or anything he was just trying to get by and not have to work a 9 to 5, which I find quite appealing, but he ends up out of luck when he realizes he doesn't know where Diva lives. What I found bothersome about this is in the last story two people go out specifically to bag themselves a rich spouse and they do. The street singer gets screwed over, but I don't see the street singer as any worse then the Bennie from the fourth story, but he could possibly be worse then Goldie but that seems debatable.

Well that is all for now and I will be back with my second post for the week in a few hours, hope this doesn't happen too many more times during the semester.

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