Saturday, October 16, 2010


The work from Spiegelman that we read for class, Maus, and the work form Spiegelman that we read about called In the Shadow of No Towers seem like two very interesting work separately,  but even more so when looked at with the other in mind. Maus is a very structured work that recounts the events that Spiegelman's father went through during the Holocaust and also how the events of the Holocaust have effected Spiegelman's father further into his life after the Holocaust. While In the Shadow of No Towers is Spiegelman's work about the attack on the World Trade Centers, that was made shortly after the attacks on the towers. This is the closest thing the most modern American's have come to an event similar to the Holocaust, even though the scope and the more personal level of the Holocaust is so much more vast it does not seem like a very good comparison. It is interesting that In the Shadow of No Towers the style in much different, Spiegelman changes drawing styles in different panels, and the panels are frantic, while in Maus everything is well structured. This shows a interesting perspective between experiencing anything first hand and being told about it through another medium, first hand accounts, books, programs,..ect. One can convey the events that happened but any of the emotional baggage that came with experiencing the events cannot be expressed in an adequate way to truly have such an experience.

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